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3:53 AM
Seduce Them
But I this approach is not always sure that you are really able to get women or not, because you actually do not get time to prepare yourself. Alternately, indirect approach is good answer regarding how to approach a girl because here you do not have to talk directly, just make little eye contact, talk to her friends in order to know her likes and dislikes, so that you can easily and comfortably deal with the question that how to fuck girls.

-Get yourself prepared for rejection: While you approach women, get prepared for the rejection too, becau
se it is likely to happen that women may reject and should not take it as the situation of do or die. Take it in a positive sense and moreover, always be genuine and real.

- Be confident and genuine with what you say: In case you want to learn about how to gain confidence so that you can approach women is by concentrating on the best aspects of personality you have. Practicing at home in front of mirror is also one of best way to approach women because you can mentally prepare yourself that actually how you are going to approach women.

-Communicating with eye is the best possible answer of how to approach a girl: Communicating with eyes is the most famous trend in youths in order to convey their messages; you can also make use of eye contact in order to attract a girl.

Views: 840 | Added by: Saibertin | Tags: fuck, How, get.ladi, girls | Rating: 0.0/0
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